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    start a blog now

    do you need a blog if YES,then sit down and read through.
    blogging is all about writing and sharing your ideas ,believe me you can make thousands of dollars by just blogging at home ,thats why most people would go to the trouble of blogging.
    before you can start creating a blog you need to:

    1.choose the platform for your blog.
    2.pick a domain name(your blog name).
    3.purchasing a hosting site to get your blog online.
    4.post on your site
    5.get visitors.
    6.make money.


    There are different blogger platforms but i will only be talking about blogger and wordpress,i guess they are the famous blogging platforms.


    Blogger is a free platform hosted by google ,with a custom domain such as .blogspot added to your blogname,example easybloghacks.blogspot.com.blogger has hosted millions of blogs on there platform,because of its simplicity ,low cost beautiful templates thats why i choose blogger.allthough i have used wordpress for sometime but i had a hard time understanding the dashboard but later i got used to it,so i recommend you to create your blog on blogger as a newbie and you can migrate to wordpress anytime .you can change the custom domain of your blogger by buying a domain extention such as .com,.ng,.com.ng,.net,.biz,.org,.co.uk and so on.


    you need only two things when creating a blog on blogger which is your gmail and your domain name.

    1.go to www.blogger.com ,you will be directed to a page where you will be asked to fill your email and password.
    2.after filling it you will see your blog dashboard ,then you will be asked to input your domain name,after doing that you will choose a theme below just apply the theme of your choice then click ok.
    3.you will redirected to your blogger dashboard,hurray you have created a blog on blogger within 5minutes.there are other things you need to know when starting your blog on blogger i will be talking about them later.
    NOTE:.blogspot.com will be added to your domain name but you can remove it later by buying a domain name.



    Wordpress is a self hosted blog that means you buy a hosting site yourself,although it might cost a little but it has its own advantages.
    A host provides a home for your blog post,images,documents an so on.a host provider is just like a storage of all your blog information.there are different sites to buy your hosting from.sites like hostgator,bluehost,godaddy,whogohost,lekkihost and so on.when it comes to choosing a hosting company there is one thing you should know before purchasing a hosting site,

    -the page load speed-how many seconds does it take your blog to load.if your page load speed is low you will lose a lot of visitors from your sites.so buying a hosting site form the right company determines the page load speed of your blog.
    i only recomment hostgator.com for hosting and domain names.have used hostgator for sometime ,they have a good service and a very good page load speed.am going to walk you through on how to buy a domain name and a hosting site from hostgator

    1.open your browser and type www.hostgator.com you will be directed to a page like this below.
    2.just search for get started or start your wordpress blog now you will be directed to a page where you will be asked to choose your plan.as seen below

    as you can see there are differnet plans available such as  baby plan,hatchling plan and so on.

    3.i recommend the hatchling plan for you,just click it you will be directed to a place you will choose your domain name,or you can input a registered domain name in the already have a domain name box.
    before you can think of registering of domain name you should have thought about the name before registering it,the the name you choose for your blog reflects what your blog is all about,not necessary though,so you cant afford to choose a bad name for your blog.choose a name that is not hard to remeber,it should be descriptive(all ready describing what your blog is all about.)
    after choosing your blog name ,at the left handside you will see domain extentions such as as .com,.ng,.com.ng,.net,.biz,.org,.co.uk just pick the domain of your choice and click ok.

    4.registering your hosting plan.

    as i said before ,i recommend the hatchling plan ,you can migrate to other plans later.choose the hatchling plan and choose your billing cycle either 6 months,12 months,3months just choose anyone of your choice ,after doing that you will see some additional services below i will advice you to unclick them because they are not necessary for now and they add additional cost,click ok then you are done.

    i will be discussing about setting a wordpress blog in my next article

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